This is how you know the Geneva Bible is part of the deception, invented to support the fake history narrative.
It interprets the time Satan was bound for 1000 years to being the time from Christ’s birth to Pope Sylvester II (see image). Ridiculous on its face to anyone who has even a basic familiarity with the scriptures.
I’m more convinced than ever that the Holy Roman Empire and Protestant reformation is all fake history.
Jesus returned to the same generation as promised and the saints ruled on earth for 1000 years.
I’ve been looking through my 1560 Geneva Bible notes and the ideas put forth in the margins to explain key prophetic verses are just ridiculous most of the time.
Granted it does say Daniel’s 70th week was fulfilled by Jesus (not some future unknown Antichrist), so at least even the fake Geneva Bible acknowledges dispensationalism/futurism is a lie.
Trust the Authorised Version KJV, which is God’s word in English. The only Bible with consistent fruit, the only Bible the shills undermine with lies, the only Holy Bible.
Not the so-called 1611 KJV, which I believe was also made later to pad out the fake history and reformation narrative. The Authorised Version KJV is the only Bible you need and the only one that has borne fruit for hundreds of years now and counting.
God promised to preserve his word and he did it in English in the Authorised Version KJV, which I believe came out of the millennial reign. It’s not an accident that we all speak English around the world and it has nothing to do with colonialism, that history is all false.
God has consistently moved throughout history to enact his will and he is certainly more than capable of ensuring we have the scriptures. King Jesus is on the throne right now and all authority is under him, the forces of evil can only deceive.
All other Bibles other than the Authorised Version KJV are satanic efforts to pervert the scriptures and you only have to compare them and what’s been changed to see that.