The world is a stage, and gender inverted Freemasons act out the script, working together to deceive you.
Realise all world leaders (including Russia and China), as well as any prominent (controlled) opposition, know the earth is stationary and flat, and space is fake. They’re all on the same team.
All prominent figures are also inverted with the opposite skeleton to the gender they present as, easily proven by their gait and other skeleton markers. No naturals made in God’s image are allowed to reach the very top in our society.
So don’t be fooled by fake geopolitics theatre and planned culture war issues. It’s all scripted and a distraction.
They show you who they are using symbolism and hand signs, and their skeleton tells you everything you need to know.
Settle in for this slideshow (after you open the first image, hover mouse over the image to pause the slideshow, or use the controls in the top right):