Earth is flat and stationary not a spinning ball. The main reason you’ve been indoctrinated into the globe lie is to hide God, and make you a nihilistic atheist.
They want you to feel insignificant, a random product of the Big Bang, an evolved monkey living out a meaningless existence – when in reality you are at the centre of God’s creation, made in God’s image, and he is right above us. Space is fake.
There is immense power in realising for 100% certain that God is real, and being born again through Jesus Christ. This is why they hide the flat earth truth.
You cannot call yourself a Bible believer and buy into the spinning ball earth lie, as scripture clearly debunks the globe. See the below gallery with numerous videos that show the relevant scriptures.
There are satanists all around you, who you think are your friends, family and close acquaintances, who will pretend not to recognise this obvious evidence debunking the globe, and try to paint you as crazy just for talking about this.
Those shills are trying to take you to hell with them; they are not deceived, they are actively deceiving you, and hiding the truth from you. They are on team evil, but will never admit it to you.
The reason the forces of evil have been able to carry out massive deceptions (e.g. around science and history) so effectively is because those in the club, the inverted tares, always push the lies, never break character, never stray from the script. These Freemasonic inverts are Satan’s NPCs.
There are likely more inverted children of Satan than us, the children of God, at this point.
When I first got saved after realising we don’t live on a ball, I tried in earnest to show the truth to my friends, family and other acquaintances that I knew for a long time through work. Most would reject the flat earth evidence off hand without even being willing to engage with the evidence in good faith. Some would say they’re too busy, ignore my messages, or argue why does it matter what the shape is (as though it’s not completely obvious).
I knew I had been posting extensive and undeniable proof, so I initially chalked it up to a spiritual blindness, but later on I realised that every single one of these disingenuous shills was an invert. They are of their father the devil, the father of lies.
When i’d post something that heavily contradicts the prevailing narrative, without fail you’d have these inverts coming on to undermine the post, or ganging up to try keep you in line.
You’re supposed to pick one of the pre-manufactured sides, team red or team blue, and engage in the meaningless culture wars and political debates, but you’re not supposed to realise that both sides are working for the same team, and so are most of the purported truthers and (controlled) opposition. The world’s a stage and Satan’s inverted children are the actors, but they are all working together even if they appear to be arguing in public.
It’s all designed to keep you deluded, deceived and stuck in a system that is never going to advance your interests. Most of what is reported in the news and trending on social media is fake theatre.
When I was a newspaper journalist in my youth I really believed everyone else was also trying to find good stories and keep the bastards honest, but since I realised these core truths that I post here, and tried to take them to people I used to work with in journalism, their responses showed they are all shills, cheap propagandist hacks who have no love for the truth. Most of them are inverts.
People who have known you your whole life, even who grew up in the same house as you, if they are inverted they will choose Satan’s lies over you.
My own extended family members were trying to have me locked up and medicated for speaking the truth – this is what these truly evil invert shills will do, and they will stab you in the back while pretending they have your best interests at heart.
The reason the forces of evil have been able to carry off such massive deceptions over multiple generations is because these inverts are everywhere, they never stray from the script, never break character, and play along with all the psyops.
Most if not all of those in the public eye, in power, on TV and even preaching in church buildings are inverted shills, ministers of Satan. Watch people’s gait (the way they walk) to tell definitively.
Just think about how evil these shills are, to be able to go along with the satanic agenda happily, and throw their own close family and friends under the bus if they do not follow the script. They are born liars and will lie straight to your face without having any second thoughts.
These inverts, the children of Satan all around you, are the reason the world is in such a fallen, satanic state, and they are actively trying to make things worse as we speak. Treat them accordingly.
(I should note there are even inverted flat earthers, which include most of the big name flat earth influencers such as Mark Sergeant, Dave Weiss, founded earth brothers, Eric Dubay, the Hibbeler productions guys, Dean Odle and many more. Their job is to take people who are waking up to flat earth and ensure they keep them penned in to a controlled animal farm without realising the bigger conspiracy beyond the flat earth truth. Many will try to discredit the scriptures or at the very least push false doctrine like futurism (dispensationalism) and the secular history narrative. The satanic forces control all the big name opposition, and you can spot them when you understand how to identify inverts.)