All “elites’ are inverted but you can’t always tell from the skeleton alone.
Author: Asher Moses
His tattoo changed every time they rolled him out for a photo op.
Fake theatre makes every generation believe the Antichrist is just around the corner.
The only Bible the invert deceivers don’t want you to read is the KJV Authorised Version.
Shills make you worship false gods by convincing you the messiah’s name is not “Jesus”.
For hundreds of years the papacy played the role of the fake Antichrist.
Don’t be fooled by the invert deceivers peddling little season theory.
New Jerusalem is here now waiting for us to make the pilgrimage.
Jesus returned to the same generation; Revelation has been fulfilled.
A plethora of old world objects have dates starting with a ‘J’ rather than a ‘1’