Those who view Donald Trump as a saviour and those who see him as the Antichrist are both equally misguided.
Elon Musk’s persona, and the costumes he wears to bait Christians, are as fake and contrived as his SpaceX flights.
The invert actors on the world stage are deliberately stringing deceived Christians along with false breadcrumb after breadcrumb. You need to realise that all the imagery and developments that get reported are not organic but deliberately planned to influence your perceptions.
Trump and Elon Musk have been built up for decades by the fake news media and Hollywood as key characters on the world stage – they are simply gender inverted actors playing a role, just like the rest of those feted in the public arena.
Trump in particular has been heavily associated with Israel on purpose. The so-called assassination attempt on Trump in the lead up to the US election, and his subsequent portrayal as a messianic figure blessed by God, was obviously fake theatre to anyone who is awake and paying attention.
Elections are not real, neither is democracy – it’s a complete pantomine and you can only choose between two wings of the same bird. Most of the news, history and major events are fake theatre.
The invert fake truthers are constantly pushing fear and lies about a coming New World Order, the mark of the beast, Satanism, etc. It’s all deception.
The reason they have to fake everything is because Jesus is king, God is ultimately in control. Revelation has already been fulfilled.
Deceived Christians have been looking for the biblical Antichrist around every corner for over 100 years, thanks to the false and purposely concocted theory of dispensationalism. Prior to that, the core prophecy deception was to make people believe the papacy was the biblical Antichrist.
The deceived Christians believe that a third Jewish temple must be built in fake Israel in the middle east in order for the Antichrist to come and then for the messiah to return.
Those who actually believe the scriptures know Jesus already returned, and the Antichrist of scripture is long in the past. The temple was already destroyed in the same generation as prophesied by Jesus in the gospels, and the Aaronic / Levitical priesthood was wiped out once and for all (see the book of Hebrews e.g. chapter 7).
Jesus Christ was the final sacrifice for sins and is our high priest and king; through Jesus is how we can gain entry beyond the veil (Hebrews 10:20) and be reconnected with the Father.
Those who support a rebuilt temple and restarting animal sacricfices are heaping damnation on their own heads. It’s absolutely cringe seeing the typical Prophecy Watchers type of Christian counting the hairs on the red heifers, and giving their unconditional support to the synagogue of Satan.
Israel in the middle east is not the location of Jerusalem of the Bible. Furthermore, the book of Revelation has already been fulfilled, Satan is already in the lake of fire and New Jerusalem is already here for us to go to.
To blind you from this truth, the actors on the world stage have every generation of Christians believing the end times are here and the Antichrist & great tribulation is just around the corner.
It’s all a fake reality that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth – only those who read and believe the scriptures will not be deceived.
The Talmudic fake jews in fake Israel in the middle east totally reject Jesus but are happy to receive the support from deceived Christians, who have been led to believe the fake Jews are about to usher in the Antichrist and go through the great tribulation, with a remnant ultimately coming to faith in the real messiah Jesus.
You should also be aware that not all Christians who support dispensationalism are deceived – many of those around us, especially those in leadership roles in so-called Christian organisations and churches, are invert deceivers, fake Christians who are there to knock you off the path of truth.
The forces of evil already have unbelievers in the palm of their hand, so key to their deceptions has been infiltrating the churches and theology schools, ensuring that saved Christians are blinded to the truth.
“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” (Matthew 7:15)