Not only were there no planes on September 11 2001, but the buildings were empty (see first image in the gallery below).
They were built specifically for this ritual. There was predictive programming for decades ahead of the event (plenty of examples in the gallery). The jet fuel hoax also destroys the narrative about 9/11.
Maybe the reason they have to fake these crisis events, wars and even use actors to fake school shootings is because King Jesus is on the throne right now, and they are limited. There are consequences. They can only deceive us.
They’re all actors. The emperor has no clothes.
A lot of the fake truthers, and the invert shills, push propaganda designed to overstate the power and ability of the people in charge.
All the inverts play their role to make these psyops seem real to us.
There’s genuine Christians living in fear that they are about to go through the Great Tribulation and be beheaded for their testimony – that’s ridiculous, all of that is long in the past if you believe what scripture says.
Even Epstein, comet pizza, Hillary emails about nimrod etc I think are all psyops designed to make us think they’re currently more powerful than they are.
Especially if you are born again and not inverted or in sin, I believe they can’t touch you.
But even more than that, maybe the saints of the Most High can take the earthly kingdom at any time, and that’s why they have to try so hard to keep us in fear?
Think how powerful we must be if the inverts put this much effort into deceiving us and creating an artificial reality for us.