In video games, NPCs (non player characters) are the AI characters you run into that just cycle through canned dialogue trees, play their defined role and don’t have a function or independent thought outside of that.
People often say that there are many of those among us who seem like NPCs because, no matter what you show them, they continue doing exactly what they’ve done and have zero change in their worldview, and just have no love for the truth or ability to speak outside of the lines.
The thing you need to realise is, these people are often not ignorant or deceived, they are on team evil and are actively deceiving you. Their reactions are not genuine.
NPCs are real – they’re the inverts all around us. Children of Satan who NEVER stray from the script, play their role and have zero love for the truth.
Pretty much all of the fake truthers and fake Christians are also inverts.
That moment when you realise many of the people you know personally, who often tried to make you seem crazy and pretended not to recognise obvious evidence you showed them (such as debunking the spinning globe lie), ended up being disingenuous snakes, inverted children of the devil who have the opposite skeleton to their soft tissue.
These Freemason satanist trannies are everywhere and will pretend to be your friend while deceiving and lying to you every step of the way. They are of their father the devil.
It feels like they’re not real people because they’re not. I question whether these invert abominations even have a soul. There appears to be more of them than us at this point.
I’ve noticed that pretty much everyone who is immune to/unaffected by the gospel, or just refuses to acknowledge even privately you are correct about flat earth, are always these inverted people with the opposite skeleton to the gender they present as.
Many of them pretend to be Christians but were clearly never born again, and if they’re not pushing the globe lie (most inverts do), they are still usually futurists, insisting Jesus has not yet returned. They have infiltrated the churches with false doctrine and false Bible versions.
They not only refuse to accept clear evidence that we have been lied to about everything such as our science and history, but the inverts in your life will often publicly try to ridicule you and contradict you in order to bring you back into line if you start speaking out about key truths.
I believe the inverted born-liars are the equivalent of the tares in Jesus parable (Matthew 13:38-43). The tares grow all around us (Matthew 13:30), the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction (Romans 9:22).
I would be interested if there’s any inverted person who is genuinely saved.
“Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” (Matthew 10:16)
“But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.” (Matthew 15:13)
Keep speaking the truth, as the invert liars can only deceive, and have no real power against you if you are filled with the Holy Spirit.
Before you get into an argument, try to see if the person is inverted first (the gait and skull are the best way to tell). It’s pointless to engage with inverts because they’re not interested in debating the facts.
They want to get you into pointless arguments, make you angry and demoralise you. They keep you distracted from the true prize, which is studying the scriptures and finding New Jerusalem.
Don’t let them break your will. Part of the reason for starting this website is so genuinely born again, non-inverted, Bible believers can share the truth on our own platform, without being swarmed and confused by these invert shills.
I question whether or not I am inverted. I believe myself to have a male skeleton with mostly male fat distribution, have seed, but I came to recognize over the years that many of my very “family” is inverted.
Causes me to wonder why I’d be an exception
Go by the skeleton alone. The gait is the best way to tell – do you walk more with inline foot fall? See the many examples on my other inversion posts and you will be able to spot it easily. There are families i’ve seen where the dad is inverted but the daughter is not. I also have inverted people all through my family and I don’t know why i’m different other than that God forms his people in the womb. They never talk, sworn to secrecy. From my experience inverts know who they are and they never admit they’re inverted so you may just have some markers that are ambiguous. Things like clavicles can vary quite a bit, that’s why I think the gait is the only foolproof way to know for sure whether someone has a male or female skeleton. You can also tell reliably from the jaw, that is the main difference between a male and female skull. My guess is if you are wondering about it then you’re not inverted. Happy to discuss privately if you add me on my Facebook which is linked at the top and bottom of this page. Or feel free to email me God bless